lunes, julio 30, 2007

I just cried my heart out

My daughter sent me this link to a corny history of a guy called Paul Potts, winner of a British talent show.

He took my breath away and threw me in tears in a single one minute performance of Puccini's "Nessun Dorma". (URL

His voice has a tone somewhere between Pavarotti and Carreras, his technique is only good, his phrasing is bit less than flawless, but all the pieces together don't make an explanation for the sweetness and charm he conveys. He is the quintessential anyone you cross by in any street, until he starts singing.

There is sadness, sweetness and almost mournful gaze of time in hardship as he climbs the lyrics of "guardi le stelle che tremano d'amore e di speranza!".

There is hope, miracle, wakening when he attacks the last words: "Dilegua, o notte! tramontate, stelle! Tramontate, stelle! All'alba vincerò! Vincerò! Vincerò!"

This common man that worked in a cell phone distributor in Wales is touched by angels. I hope for the moments of the purest joy he can give he will break the spell and escape the choir when it says: "Il nome suo nessun saprà. E noi dovrem ahimè, morir, morir!" (His name no one will know. And we shall have, alas, to die, to die!).

1 comentario:

Pablo Gonzalez Tapia dijo...

Fede gracias por compartir la historia y el video. La verdad que la presentación arranca lágrimas, pero no sólo por la maravillosa interpretación del Nessun Dorma, sino por la magia que Paul Pott transmite al convertirse como dijo una de los jurados: "de sapo a príncipe", entre cuando llega y cuando canta. Luego vi seguí sus presentaciones hasta ganar el concurso. Obviamente ya no tiene el mismo impacto, porque uno sabe que canta bien. De hecho, en la presentación final, su Nessun Dorma tiene menos calidad que cuando nos sorpredió a todos: All'alba vincero!